"To know what you want, to understand why you're doing it, to dedicate every breath in your body, to achieve . . . If you feel that you have something to give, if you feel that your particular talent is worth developing, is worth caring for, then there's nothing you can't achieve." Kevin Spacey

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

110 and counting!

OMG I have written this blog at least a million times in my head but just couldn't get it into this computer! I even forget how to access my blog. But I have to write and keep my log up to date as I start to train for this marathon. I need it documented for my own sake. So here goes . . .
The last few months have been hell. I stopped blogging when I started a new job. It was great for the first 2 weeks and then just went to absolute shit from there! Anyway I quit by April and have been training for tri's since then. The job hunt has been slow but I am starting to at least get interviews. As long as it doesn't interfere with my races, LOL JK
So the countdown begins. The Marine Corp Marathon is in 110 days or 16 weeks. Plane ticket bought, some accomodations in place and oh yeah running. Yes I am doing that along with bike rides and lots of swimming.
Committing myself to keeping up with documenting my journey and training for it as well!